⭐️ Olives and fresh tangerines
⭐️ No added flavor
⭐️ Original and delicate
A fruity and original touch to your dishes!
Pure fruit juice produced in Puglia, southern Italy. Fresh tangerines are added to olives during pressing to preserve all the aromatic properties of the fruit. This tangerine olive oil preparation will enhance your best dishes. It is a surprisingly original flavor for mussels or desserts.
Warm scallop salad, avocado with shrimp, grated carrots, asparagus, chicory, exotic fruit salads...
Net quantity: 100 ml
Origin: Italy
Ingredients: olives 99%, mandarin 1%.
Special storage conditions: Store away from heat and light.
This rare oil from Puglia in southern Italy is a new interpretation of the tradition of pressing olives and citrus fruits: fresh mandarins have replaced lemons and are added to the olives during pressing to preserve all the aromatic properties of the fruit. A completely natural oil produced in Puglia in southern Italy using traditional methods.
V Oliviers&Co jsme se rozhodli lisovat naše ingredience (bylinky, citrusové plody, koření atd.) současně s olivami, abychom vyrobili aromatické oleje. Vybíráme čerstvé, vysoce kvalitní suroviny bez umělých přísad, abychom získali 100% přírodní oleje. Tato metoda zachovává všechny chutě aromatických ingrediencí a vytváří aromatické oleje s výraznou, přirozenou chutí.